Saturday, February 23, 2013

Advanced IT Class

Wow, after two days of no internet due to icing of antenna I can now access this blog.  Still learning how to use technology. Wish the class was a tad more detailed but I can understand why it is not. There is just so much to learn and retain. Confusing and challenging but worth the effort.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Teaching is" Life With Hope"

My idea of happiness is being able to get up every morning and go into class and  share, educate, and inspire students in a variety of subject matter. I have been a special education paraprofessional for years and every day has been filled with hope and  absolute joy to have been a part of a students education. I can not wait to be able to lead my own classroom, while utilizing everything I have spent years learning. I love being with the 3rd through 5th graders and would hope to find a position in those grades,  but anything 1st through 5th would be still be a joy. I enjoy all subjects, but am especially excited by reading, history and science.